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Desperate Fishwives – Radio Scotland- Series 2

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‘Laugh out loud funny’

– Bryan Burnett

All those folk who’d pestered the BBC for more Desperate Fishwives (thanks for that, by the way) got their wish in July 2008 when we recorded six more episodes for BBC Radio Scotland.

There’s also now a wee BBC micro-site all about the radio shows.

The series was broadcast on the following dates:

Episode 1 – 18:10 Friday 25/07/2008

Episode 2 – 18:10 Friday 01/08/2008

Episode 3 – 18:10 Friday 08/08/2008

Episode 4 – 18:10 Friday 15/08/2008

Episode 5 – 18:10 Friday 22/08/2008

Episode 6 – 18:10 Friday 29/08/2008

It was repeated on the national digital network, BBC 7, in the first 6 weeks of 2010.

Five enterprising listeners enjoyed the “Caledonia Bank” sketch so much that they posted it on Youtube, where, in total, it’s had almost half a million hits.

The audioclip has been emailed around the world; (we’ve had reports of it reaching Australia, Alaska and Abu Dhabi) you can check it out here; or here, and also here, here, and here.

Cast & Production Team


Written by

Produced by

  • Margaret-Anne Docherty

Production Assistant

  • Lauren Mackay

Previous: Desperate Fishwives Radio Series 1

Next: Desperate fishwives Radio Series 3

Desperate Fishwives – Radio Scotland- Series 3

‘Do we have to listen to this?’

– John’s 6 year old niece.

(Fair play to her, it was Christmas day, she had better things to  do)

Would we do a Christmas special? Came the enquiry from high up in the Radio Scotland firmament. In fact, will you do five, and we’ll put them out every day of Christmas week 2009?

Well, why not?

We recorded on a suitably dreich couple of nights in November, and the shows went out at lunchtime on the 21st, 22nd 23rd, 24th and 25th December. The perfect audio accompaniment to the peeling of a big pile of sprouts.

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Cast & Production Team


Written by

Produced by

  • Margaret-Anne Docherty

Production Assistant

  • Lauren Mackay

Previous: Desperate Fishwives Radio Series 2

Next: Desperate Fishwives Radio Hogmanay Special

All Quiet on the Westburn Front

Lemon Tree Studio – 2001

“15% of it was very funny. The other 85% was f@*#!ng hilarious!”

—Paul Hughson

Having refined our schtick there were no major changes for the fourth production, aside from saying farewell to Shirley and welcoming new performer Laura Sinclair. We put Robbie Shepherd in Stars in their Eyes, had PC Bobby Constable take the rap for Grampian Police, saw Davie phone a friend and revealed the hidden truth about Genghis Khan and the actor Peter Mayhew.

John Hardie
Oli Knox
Craig Pike
Steve Rance
Laura Sinclair
Susan Webster
Andrew Brebner
Greg Gordon

Written by
Andrew Brebner
Greg Gordon
Additional Material
Simon Fogiel

Directed by
John Hardie

Previous show: A Clockwork Sporran – 2000

Next Show: Prime Cuts – 2001

Dave Quaite


After appearing as a shouting Irishman in the first Flying Pig Show, shouting Irishman Dave went on to graduate from Aberdeen University in Psychology.

Accepting the Queen’s Shilling, he then embarked for a life on the ocean wave with the Royal Navy, protecting not only our shores, but also fish and, with the aid of a decent sunblock, his skin.

He briefly reprised his stage career and was outstanding in the Britannia Royal Naval College’s Christmas Panto as Prince Charming, a role more traditionally played by a female performer.

He is now the Navigating Officer on HMS ENTERPRISE, a position which will be held in the future by a Mr. Sulu and a Mr. Data


Oliver Knox


The prospect of working on genetically modified plants was enough to lure Oliver to the other side of the world in 2003. As if depriving us of his unique physical talents and guts wasn’t enough, he also insisted on taking his wife, Christine, with him thus dealing us the added blow of removing our set and props mistress.

Whilst in Australia and using the wonders of modern technology, Oliver put in his farewell appearance in The Hunchback of Walker Dam in 2004, and by use of the same technique Oliver and Christine’s son, Dylan, made his debut as Mither and Faither’s grandson, little Kieran.

Oliver’s only outing on the boards in the Australian outback saw him playing a donkey. Finding it difficult to determine if the critical response, describing him as a complete ass, was positive or negative, Oliver has now made a change in artistic direction. Quite surprisingly, other people like his poetry too!

Oliver, along with Christine, Dylan and now also Nathan and Abigail, returned to Scotland in 2008; but so far his accent remains pure Ramsay Street.


Meet the Flying Pigs


This is the fine body of men (and women, obviously) who comprise the  Flying Pigs.

Click on the photos for a wee biography of each member of the team.

From Top Left:

Moray Barber,  Elaine ClarkSusan Gordon, Greg Gordon,

John Hardie, Craig Pike, Steven Rance,

Andrew BrebnerSimon Fogiel,